Bob Keenan
Sep 25, 2015
Byrd-Byrd-Byrd! Byrd is the word!
Our first collection of his work - The Art of Mitch Byrd, gave the public a fine overview of what sort of images parade through Mitch's...
Bob Keenan
Aug 22, 2015
Are You an "Aqua-Sexual"?
Not that long ago in this country, if you had an overriding desire to ogle mermaids, you were considered a deviant, unfit for proper...
Bob Keenan
Aug 12, 2015
Bedtime Story Characters for "Kids" who are all Grown-Up!
Everyone has a favorite fairy tale growing up, but once you're too old to get tucked-in, what's a person to do? Thankfully, creator and...
Bob Keenan
Aug 2, 2015
In praise of all things Mironiuk!
Comedian Eddie Izzard has a terrific bit about how very close "cool, hip, and groovy" stands next to "lookin' like a dickhead". Genuine...